
An intensive calligraphy course taught by our Rudolf Letko, whose art has been personally admired by famous calligrapher Luca Barcellona.

The workshop is designed for both individuals and corporates to incorporate creative teambuilding. Learn the rules for hand-written scripts and experience the beauty and pleasure of being able after just a few hours to "paint" with a calligraphic pen. The courses are intended for beginners and anyone who wants to expand their creative techniques.

10 is the maximum number of participants that can sign up for the calligraphy course. All the necessary tools will be provided during the course.


For businesses and entrepreneurs looking for excellence, "art of font" lettering will ensure theirs will be both aesthetic and distinct. A visual or logotype created by an artist can differentiate the company from the mainstream and highlight the nature and message of the advertiser. Text posters, visual web content, magazine covers, logos - if you need to have written something that people will admire and say that "it’s beautiful", artistic lettering is right for you.

Handwriting and calligraphy

If lettering is about free "word painting", calligraphy is about perfectly written letters. It requires precise control of the craft and calligraphic tools to achieve perfection in the chosen style. Calligraphy is behind the decorative handwriting on greetings, wish cards, invitations, certificates, awards, and more. It has a greater “wow” effect than ever in the digital age.