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Urban office

Office Bratislava
A space where we sharpen our know-how daily—fueled by great coffee, free from table football and other noisy distractions.
Šoltésovej 14
811 08 Bratislava
Slovakia, Europe
Google maps

Lake office

A retreat where focus flows effortlessly, recharged by the raw energy of nature—no noise, no clutter, just pure clarity.
Vojčianske jazero
930 31 Vojka nad Dunajom
Slovakia, Europe
Google maps


Big Name s. r. o.
Šoltésovej 14
811 08 Bratislava
Business ID
Reg. No.: 46 946 101
Tax No.: 2023685488
VAT No.: SK2023685488
Business Register of the City Court
Bratislava III, Section: Sro, File No. 86288/B